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Includes both the 100 and 80 Torso and Pad Bridge Set.


The 80 Set - Includes 2 Zess Torso Pad 80s, 2 regular Zess Pad 80s, 2 Transmitters, 2 Medium Standing Bags, 1 Medium Bridge Bag, a hose and an air pump.


The 100 Set -  2 Zess Torso Pad 100s, 2 regular Zess Pad 100s, 2 Transmitters, 2 Large Standing Bags, 1 Large Bridge Bag, a hose and an air pump.



Shipping from Korea costs $420.

Complete Tournament Set


    WTMU, World Taekwondo Masters Union

    Emai: Phone: +1 (847) 480-9224 Text: +1 (847) 260-9777

    Address: 3141 Dundee Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA

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